Upcoming events
May 24 Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry from Physics, Max Planck Institute Leipzig.
Jun. 24 School on Number Theory and Physics, International Centre of Theoretical Physics, Trieste.
Talks and Posters
Jan. 24 Chebyshev varieties, Poster presentation at Applied and Computational Algebraic Geometry, Isaac Newton Institute Cambridge. (Poster)
Dec. 23 Chebyshev varieties, Talk at Mathematics and Decision conference UM6P Ben Guerir Morocco. (Slides)
Jun. 23 My research in eight minutes, Talk at Max Planck Institute Leipzig.
Attended conferences
Jan. 24 Applied and Computational Algebraic Geometry, Isaac Newton Institute Cambridge.
Feb. 24 Women and Non-binary people in Mathematics day, University of Oxford.
Dec. 23 Mathematics and Decision, UM6P Ben Guerir Morocco.
Jun. 23 Summer School on Algebraic methods for biochemical networks, Max Planck Institute Leipzig.
Jun. 23 Let’s get Real, Max Planck Institute Leipzig.
May. 23 Hypergeometric day, Max Planck Institute Leipzig.
Apr. 23 Number Theory meets Tropical Geometry, Max Planck Institute Leipzig.
Apr. 23 Solving hard polynomial systems, Max Planck Institute Leipzig.